While using the spreadsheet gem to export data to a Microsoft Excel file I encountered various problems and lack of proper documentation forced me to dig pretty deep. So here are a few tips you might find useful. The gem works with a workbook object and worksheets in this workbook. To get started: workbook = Spreadsheet::Workbook.new sheet1 = workbook.create_worksheet name: worksheetname To write a row of data as usually is done in reports you can use: sheet1.row(1).replace [ 'col1', 'col2', 'col3'] Rows and Columns are 0 based, so col1 would be printed on A2 (Excel coords). Now to the beauty of it all, formatting, first of all, create a format: bold = Spreadsheet::Format.new :weight => :bold bold20 = Spreadsheet::Format.new :weight => :bold, size: 20 nobold20 = Spreadsheet::Format.new size: 20 bold_grey_bg = Spreadsheet::Format.new pattern_bg_color: :cyan, weight: :bold, pattern: 1, pattern_fg_color: :black Use :weight to set bold,
As an application grows it starts taking care of more and more work. At some point the first task comes that needs to be processed in background and one of the usual suspects for ruby is sidekiq. Now, did it ever happen to you that you get it all up and running on the server and next thing you know it's down and you get error reports that stuff ain't working? Meet monit, a tool that'll let you get ahead of trouble. It automatically restarts programs when down and can even send emails upon failures. Install monit Depending on your package manager this may differ: apt-get install monit yum install monit brew install monit Configure monit Edit /etc/monit.conf or /etc/monitrc Uncomment(or add) these lines: set httpd port 2812 and use address localhost allow localhost Add sidekiq entry Create the file /etc/monit.d/sidekiq.monitrc with: check process sidekiq_application_production0 with pidfile /path/to/shared/tmp/pids/side
Países hay muchos Pero prefiero a dos Copas hay muchas Cuatro, tienen los dos Norte y Sur Disciplina y Corazón A veces glamour A veces pasión Blanco y Negro por el pasado Por la gloria es el dorado De Azul el cielo pintado Rojo pasión! O estoy errado? Así mi corazón está pintado Muchos creen que dividido Pero no esta separado Es como metal fundido